Infant Swimming Resource (ISR)

What is Infant Swimming Resource (ISR)?
Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) is the most comprehensive drowning prevention program in the world. ISR swim instruction is for children 6 months to 6 years with all one-on-one instruction. Lessons are conducted 5 days a week (Monday through Friday), at a maximum of 10 minutes a day, for approximately 6 weeks. Each child has their own lesson time daily. Backed by over 45 years of research and development, IRS has taught over 8 million safe and effective lessons, giving children water independence.
The ISR Skillset and Programs
Babies from 6-12 months and children 1-6 years of age learn how to use Infant Swimming Resource’s Self-Rescue™ skills in tandem with basic swimming skills. What your child will learn depends largely on age and development level plus age. Below is a break down of depending on age and skill set.
Rollback to Float
Infants to Early Walkers
The rollback to float program teaches your baby to independently turn themselves onto their back if ever face down in the water to safely breathe, rest, and float on their back until help arrives. This skill set takes about 4-6 weeks to accomplish.
Solid Walkers
The swim-float-swim program teaches your child to swim underwater until they need to breathe, roll to their back for a few breaths until rested, then swim starting the sequence again until they reach the pool steps, side of the pool, or the shoreline. This skill set takes typically 6 weeks to accomplish.
After completing their ISR Self-Rescue skillset, maintenance lessons help students to maintain their skills and confidence throughout the year. Ideally, maintenance lessons should be scheduled at intervals recommended by the instructor, ranging from once or twice a week to once a month.
Refresher lessons are suggested every six months. As children grow, their skills will need to be adjusted to their new height and weight to compensate for a change in their Center of Buoyancy and Center of Gravity. Refreshers are highly recommended to refine their skills as they’ve most likely hit developmental milestones since the last time they’ve seen us. Since these skills are not new, refresher lessons are scheduled for two weeks.
Is your swim instructor a Certified ISR Instructor??
There are many instructors who say they teach ISR techniques, however, unless they are listed on the ISR Instructor locator on the official ISR website and meet the criteria below, they are NOT Certified ISR Instructors.
Have an email address ending in
Can provide parents with a copy of their current ISR Certificate for review
Offer lessons five consecutive days per week, for a maximum of 10 minutes each day
Will require your child to be registered through ISR’s Online Registration Process and approved to begin lessons by our Registration Evaluation Team (approval email will come from an email address ending in
Complete the Daily BUDS Discussion form with you prior to each lesson
Can be found on the instructor locator on